
The information below tells you about some of the activities that take place at Barnowls; all of the children have equal access to all our resources. Toys and equipment are inspected and up-dated on a regular basis.

Snowies: The children in this group love to play with the musical toys, shape sorters and rattles. They enjoy touching and exploring the different textures around the room or laughing at their own reflection in the mirror!

Little Owls: This group loves to get messy! The children are encouraged to get hands on experience with sand, water and play dough, or anything else you could imagine getting messy with, even jelly. They have lots of physical play sessions using the garden facilities, and the children also love to jump around on the soft play if it’s a rainy day.

Grey Owls: This group enjoy building dens or listening to music and story CD’s. Free painting is a favourite in Grey Owls as the children love to start learning about colours. Chatting can always be heard from the Grey Owls room as the children learn new words daily.

Tawnies: Music and singing can always be heard from the Tawnies room and cooking is a favourite activity in this room. The children love to use their senses to explore the ingredients. The Tawnies children love craft activities especially painting or sticking, but also enjoy constructing towers from  bricks.

Eagles: This group love to explore and experiment. The Eagles love to solve tasks or take part in group activities with their friends such as board games and jigsaw puzzles. The Eagles love their computer with lots of interesting games to play. The children enjoy using their imagination to make up stories in the home corner which changes appearance regularly from a house to a hairdressers or even a vet centre!

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